By Andre Fauteux, Editor
La Maison du 21e siècle Magazine (lire la version française)
Secretely counselled by the same physician who used to head radiation studies at the World Health Organization (WHO) and at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), California's Opt-Out Program now offers non-wireless analog meters Hydro-Quebec claims are no longer available.

People who have become intolerant to electromagnetic fields (EMF) should be allowed to keep their electromechanical (analog) meter rather than be imposed a “smart” electronic (digital) meter emitting radiofrequencies (RFs), former President of the the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Michael Peevey admitted in a 2010 email recently seized by authorities thanks to a search warrant. Peevey’s email was sent to none other than Brian Cherry, Vice President of the big energy supplier Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), based in San Francisco. In January 2015, investigators from the Office of the California Attorney General seized their computers as part of a criminal investigation on possible collusion and corruption in the appointment of a judge favorable to a proposed rate increase that would have generated PG&E $1.3 billion in extra revenues. (Read: Former CPUC President Loretta Lynch–Flanked by Physicians and Researchers–Delivers Searing Indictment of Smart Meters and EMF Risks at Mountain View Wireless Summit.)
Since the beginning of their deployment in 2006 around the world, governments as well as water, gas and electric utilities have always claimed that smart meters pose no danger to public health. This despite thousands of complaints from users and doctors who reported a host of symptoms of electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) which appeared or were aggravated after installation of these emitters of pulsed microwaves. (Read World's First Medical Study of Smart Meter Health Complaints.) However, on 6 September 2010, Peevey wrote to Cherry : “There really are people who feel pain, etc., related to EMF, etc., and rather than have them becoming hysterical, etc., I would quietly leave them alone.”
At the beginning of his message, Peevey confided: “If it were my decision I would let anyone who wants to keep their old analog meter keep it, if they claim they suffer from EMF and/or related electronic-related illnesses and they can produce a doctor's letter saying so (or expressing concern about the likelihood of suffering same). I would institute such a policy quitely and solely on an individual basis.”
Told about this confession, the President of the Association québécoise de lutte contre la pollution atmosphérique (Quebec Association Against Air Pollution or AQLPA), André Bélisle, “insistently demands once again that an independent public health inquiry be launched based on these new facts and revelations”.
But at the office of the Quebec Minister responsible for Public Health, Lucie Charlebois, nothing has changed. “Our position on smart meters remains the same,” said spokesperson Alexandra Bernier. She said the opt-out program offered by Hydro-Québec (featuring a non-communicating digital meter without RF emissions) is enough. Yet it does not help people living in apartment buildings close to several smart meters and can not convince their neighbours to pay opt-out fees.
Expert debunks the supposed benefits of smart meters
Industry and governments claim that “smart” meters and grids allowing wireless transfer of data have several advantages for the consumer. These include quicker power outage detection and repair, the possibility of connecting and cuting off consumers remotely, encouraging energy conservation by providing real-time information on power use and favoring the emergence of renewable energy (solar, wind, etc.). But in fact, this is all a hoax and smart meters only benefit utilities, says American telecommunications expert Timothy Schoechle, author of the report Getting Smarter About the Smart Grid. Schoechle is all but a radical ecologist. Since 1990, this pioneer of home automation has been Secretary of ISO / IEC JTC1 SC25 WG1, the international committee establishing home electronics standards. According to Schoechle and several other experts, wherever they have been installed, smart meters are associated with higher bills, the introduction of time-of-use rates (higher during peak demand periods and lower off-peak), invasion of privacy (utilities sharing data on consumer habits) as well as increased risks of hacking and fire.