25 mai, 2017
Articles en anglais
4 avril, 2017
Health Canada rejects electronic arms expert's accusations
4 avril, 2017
Wireless electrosmog: was Canada's Health Minister misled by her officials?
In 1966, all Western countries adopted what are today's dangerously high 'safe' radiation exposure limits, limits such as Safety Code 6 which protect only against radiation that is strong enough...
30 janvier, 2017
Scientist replies to Quebec opinion on RF health impacts
I find it strange that instead of including a larger number of studies, which would have given their report more weight, the authors preferred including several articles by the same authors, for...
29 novembre, 2015
Microwaves can cause cancer or be beneficial - Prof. Igor Belyaev
EMF exposures from smart meters and other wireless devices cause cancer and drug companies reap all the profits, the Russian doctor in radiobiology said in an interview.
26 juin, 2015
Electrohypersensitivity conference debunks 'nocebo effect' theory
29 mars, 2015
California knew smart meters were dangerous
''There really are people who feel pain, etc., related to EMFs, and rather than have them becoming hysterical, I would quietly leave them alone'', wrote former CPUC president Michael Peevey.
11 juin, 2012
Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation
Quebec-based magazine La Maison du 21e siecle asked physician David O. Carpenter, former founding dean of the University at Albany (NY)'s School of Public Health, to comment an open letter...
15 mai, 2012
Electrosmog: twelve ways of avoiding it
There are many ways of reducing one's exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs), says professor Magda Havas who has been studying their health effects for two decades.